Friday, August 27, 2010

Jennifer, why are you so afraid of the nice giraffes?

Here's why:

I used to love giraffes. I thought they were so sweet and gentle, with their graceful necks and long, pretty eyelashes. Then my husband and I were watching some reality clip show and came across this footage of giraffes fighting each other. I was horrified. They were so vicious, so powerful. They were freaking terrifying.

I went to bed that night, and had horrible nightmares, about being trapped in a chain link enclosure, surrounded by stalky, intelligent looking giraffes. Their movements were like the velociraptors from Jurassic Park, very fast and jerky. I woke up terrified. "But Jennifer," I told myself, "Velociraptors are extinct, and Jurassic Park was just a book."

That's when it hit me. Giraffes are very real, and most definitely not extinct.

I had a few more unsettling nightmares involving giraffes after that. And suddenly I began to see a strange trend emerge. Wherever I went after that, I began to see giraffes. At the grocery store. At the mall. In the effing airport in 3 different states.

I started to take pictures and post them in an album on Facebook as I came across them. And the album has grown bigger and bigger. So I figured I could use this space as a place to share the truth about giraffes with the world. They're vicious, bloodthirsty fighting machines. They're wolves in sheeps clothing. And they're everywhere.


  1. In spotted sheeps clothing no less.

  2. I think this is a fine outlet for your case against giraffes. I hope you can prove some sort of conspiracy theory in all of this madness!
